
May 1st 2021 | 5 things you need to know about world news today

Here are five things to know in world news today.

India does not want to shut down its economy again but it might get crushed anyway.

“Citgo 6” oil executive got released to house arrest in Venezuela in a good will gesture to the United States.

Crush on religious festival in Israel on Mount Heron kills 45 people.

Ex British police officer convicted for being member of banned neo-Nazi group is jailed.

The global chip shortage is going from bad to worse.
The computer chips in highest demand are not particularly sophisticated or expensive. But they’re indispensable components used in everything from kitchen appliances to washing machines and electronic gadgets.

The shortage is going from bad to worse, spreading from cars to consumer electronics. With the bulk of chip production concentrated in a handful of suppliers, analysts warn that the crunch is likely to last through 2021.

And that is your world news for the day.

Grazia D

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